Safer Year Resolutions


Why not try a different type of resolutions

Every year many of us make new year resolutions where we promise ourselves that we will make some changes that will help us get better in the future.  Literature out there says that it doesn't take long before the resolutions fall to the wayside and don't get done. This year, I will challenge you to try something different.

Take a moment to look around your home and see what outstanding home projects or changes you can commit to that will improve the safety of your home for you, your family, or those that visit.

Here are a few examples.  This year I will...

  • Install grab bars in the bath or shower so I can prevent a serious fall
  • Fix or donate the rugs that have been curling in the corner so I can prevent tripping and possibly falling
  • Do a better job to clear the sidewalk quickly after it snows so anyone walking along the path won't slip and hurt themselves
  • Sharpen my knives before I use them because sharp knives are actually safer
  • Install a food thermometer in my fridge even if I have a temperature reading on the door, so I know that my food is not in the danger zone
  • Create an evacuation plan for my household in case so everyone know what to do or where to meet if an emergency were to happen and we had to leave, this would also include creating your 72 hour emergency kit
  • Get and use a helmet for bicycle riding and make sure everyone in the family is wearing it (too many times I've seen parents and kids together and the kids are wearing helmets but not the parent, ugh)
  • Install a fire extinguisher near the kitchen and learn how to inspect it
  • Get a Carbon Monoxide (CO) monitor that has an actual digital reading.  (this one took me a few years to do, but we finally have one in our home)
  • Get a good step ladder and stop standing on a chair to reach things.  
I'm sure you can come up with at least 1- 3 things you could do this year that could help improve safety and prevent potential injuries in 2022. 

I would love to hear what you come up with, connect with me if you have any questions about home safety?  
Connect with me on Twitter (@SAFTDIVA), or LinkedIn
